Bearcastle Rentals
The following link is provided to provide estimates for driving times and distances to our Rental Properties, please respect our renters privacy and do not visit the property without prior coordination with us.   The directions and maps are provided by MapBlast and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the directions.  Upon renting from us, we will provide detailed maps which over time have proven to be correct.  Thank you!  The background image of this page is a map showing where the houses are located on the lake, the red cross is approximately the location of Bearcastle properties.
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Directions to Lake Ct.
Bumpass, VA 23024
Directions to Lake Ct.
Bumpass, VA 23024 via Mapquest
Washington, DC 90 mi (2 hrs)
Baltimore, MD 140 mi (2 hrs 40 min)
Philadelphia, PA 238 mi (4 hrs)
Doswell, VA- Kings Dominion 28 mi (50 min)
Charlottesville, VA 60 mi (1 hr 20 min)
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